Sunday, 24 May 2015

Photo diary: week 21, 365

I have almost given up on continuing the photo diary. I had the most stressful, emotionally-charged week. I went to the annual review at my older son's school, talked to the child psychologist regarding Sasha's problems, which left me emotionally drained. And then last Friday I attended the funeral of a very special friend, who's been my English family for so many years.
Yet I continued taking photos, almost on an auto-pilot, so there are more photos of the same: flowers, cakes, tea, my family.

17.05: The rhododendron is getting paler and paler, having turned from fuchsia pink to just slightly blushing white. It's still holding though, even after a short hail a few days ago.

18.05: The apple blossom, on the other hand, which was still intact at the beginning of the week, is almost all gone by now.

19.05: Amidst all the whites and pinks, the red rose stands proudly, like a true lady in red.

20.05: Being inspired by the novel The Second Duchess, I have baked an Italian cake torta di tagliarini, which is a speciality of Ferrara. It is quite unusual, as it has pasta inside it.

21.05: Eddie's having a snooze after school. It never ceases to amuse me how quickly he zonks out.

22.05: One day I will write about Anne, my dearest friend to whom I said farewell on Friday. But not yet. I keep crying, thinking about her. Rest in peace, my dear-dear friend.

23.05: Eddie was playing basketball in the garden, while I was quietly weeding. He kept asking me to watch him, as he promised to show me his "best moves". Oh the confidence of a 4-year-old, I wish I was so happy and self-assured.

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  1. Sending hugs - hope next week is less emotionally charged xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl! This week has been super busy with the midterm break

  2. Much love and prayers from here to there, I hope this week is better and your heart begins to heal. Lx

    1. Thank you Leta! I miss my friend, she was my family here

  3. Really sorry to read you are having such a rough and sad time.
    well his best moves went through the hoop, so well done.
    Love your Lady in Red.
    I wish I had a child's ability to get to sleep so quick

    1. Thank you Elaine! I agree, it's a special talent to fall asleep so fast

  4. Sorry you are having such a tough time but glad you are managing to continue, your flower photos are beautiful. Love the photo of your son asleep, how can children get so comfy in such funny positions? Hope this week has been better for you x

    1. Thank you, flowers give me so much pleasure

  5. so sorry to hear you've had such a bad week
