Tuesday 24 May 2016

Jim-Jams Spreads (review + giveaway E: 15 June 2016)

Chocolate hazelnut spreads are a popular choice for breakfast and pancakes, but do you know their sugar content? Award-winning food producer Kevin Bath has created JimJams after realising that 57 cubes of sugar went into his kids' favourite Nutella. That's an incredible amount of sugar. Makes you scratch your head in disbelief and dismay, doesn't it?!
Kevin, a father of two, has started a range of delicious spreads which contain 83% less sugar. And his produce is taking the supermarkets and health food shops by storm.

"People should be educated on the facts about sugar and clearer labelling is needed", said Kevin. "There's no point beating anyone over the head, but we do need to know more about what we're eating. For example, how much sugar is actually safe to have a day? If a product has 35g of sugar, what does it actually mean? people need to be better educated".

JimJams was the first brand to be certified by Sugarwise, and health campaigners hope that clearer food labelling will help cut the confusion for consumers and support the fight against the growing problem of obesity and sugar-related conditions such as tooth decay and type-2 diabetes (though of course sugar is not the only culprit. My Mum for example doesn't eat any sweet treats, is not overweight and is very active for her age, yet she was recently diagnosed with type-2 diabetes).

I have first come across JimJams when a jar of hazelnut chocolate spread was delivered inside a selection of Degustabox goodies. It was absolutely delicious, and we've all enjoyed it. Chocolate and hazelnut is a classic combination of flavours. Some of the best world chocolates contain these two ingredients, just think of gianduiotti.
My favourite way of eating the chocolate spread is to add it to a warm croissant. Total bliss!

I also used this spread as an ingredient for baking - see my recipe for Chocolate oat cookies.

I make a batch of strawberry jam every summer, but I also buy branded jams often enough.
JimJams Strawberry Jam is full of flavour and is made with reduced sugar. That's another top contender for a croissant's filling. It is a scrumptious jam, which could also be a perfect ingredient for many bakes and cakes, for example, a Victoria sponge.

If you haven't tried delightful spreads from JimaJams, I have a super giveaway prize for one of my lucky blog readers. One winner will receive six jars of JimJams Hazelnut Chocolate Spread.
To be in with a chance of winning, please fill in the Rafflecopter gadget.

The giveaway is open to the UK residents only.
Once the Rafflecopter picks the winner, I will contact them regarding address details, if they do not reply within 28 day, the prize will be allocated to another person.
Please don't forget to leave a comment, as it is the only mandatory step, I will make sure the winner selected by Rafflecopter has complied with T&Cs.
The prize will be dispatched by JimJams.

The giveaway will close on 15 June 2016 (at midnight)

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received two jars of JimJams spreads for the purposes of testing and reviewing. All opinions are mine.


  1. i'd love to try the strawberry jam

  2. I would like to try the hazelnut spread x

  3. Paula Readings24 May 2016 at 14:32

    The hazelnut spread for me.

  4. I absolutely love hazelnut spread,so this would be great

  5. Have not tried before but would like to try the Hazelnut Chocolate Spread

  6. No I haven't tried them but they look and sound delicious! I would love to try the hazelnut spread !

  7. No I haven't tried them, but will be looking out for the hazelnut spread! The combination of hazelnuts and chocolate is quite irresistible but I have stopped buying the big brand spreads as I find them way too sweet.

  8. I haven't tried them yet. Would love to try the chocolate hazelnut spread and the strawberry jam

  9. Nope, I haven't tried them yet, but I often bake a Victoria sponge and a healthier alternative to store-bought strawberry jam would be fab!!

  10. I haven't tried any, but would love to try the hazelnut spread as it looks a healthier alternative to Nutella.

  11. No I have not tried them and I would love to try the Hazlenut one :)

  12. not tried any yet but would love to try out the chocolate spread :)

  13. We've tried the chocolate spread and loved it but I didn't know they did jams too :)

  14. I haven't tried them yet, but the strawberry jam looks yummy.

  15. I haven't tried any of them but the chocolate and hazelnut spread sounds gorgeous!

  16. I havent but would love to try the strawberry first

  17. would like to try the hazelnut spread

  18. No its a new brand to me and I'd love to try the hazelnut chocolate.

  19. no i havent but will look out for them

  20. no i havent but will look out for them

  21. Nope I havnt but they sound great! Would love to try the chocolate hazelnut first ☺️

  22. Never heard of them before now, but I can't stand the amount of sugar found in most commercial products, even though I have a sweet tooth. So good for them. Chocolate Hazelnut Spread for me ;)

  23. I haven't tried them yet but would like to try the strawberry jam

  24. Hazelnut spread would be delicious - i'm totally shocked by the 54 cubes of sugar in Nutella, unbelievable.

  25. have tried a couple of them, either on toast or pancakes

  26. I haven't heard of them before but I would like to try the hazelnut spread

  27. No i've never tried this brand before but I think I'd love to try the Hazelnut Chocolate Spread first!

  28. I have never tried any before but I would like to try the hazelnut chocolate spread.

  29. Hazelnut chocolate spread. Heaven

  30. Strawberry first I think

  31. Chocolate hazelnut spread sounds awesome!!

  32. No, I have not tried them before. I'd like to try the chocolate hazelnut spread.

  33. I have no tried Jim Jams but would love to give the Strawberry Jam a go.

  34. The Chocolate Spread is very appealing and I love the idea of reduced sugar content.

  35. i havent but would love to try the strawberry although my children would love to try the chocolate spread

  36. I haven't tried them but i'd love to try; hazelnut choc spread :)

  37. Would love to try the strawberry jam x

  38. I've not heard of the brand before, I'd definitely like to try the hazelnut choc spread

  39. I haven't but I would love to try the hazelnut chocolate spread

  40. we haven't tried any yet, but would love to try the strawberry xx

  41. Not tried yet but I do like chocolate & hazelnut spreads

  42. No but I would love to try the chocolate and hazelnut spreads!

  43. i have not heard of this spread before they all look yummy though id love to try the hazelnut spead :)

  44. I've never tried them before but I would love to try the hazlenut spread

  45. never tried any but would be the strawberry first :)

  46. I haven't seen would like to try the chocolate spread

  47. I haven't seen would like to try the chocolate spread

  48. I've heard of them but not had any .. YET ;) .. I'd love to try the hazelnut spread

  49. I'd not heard of them until now but would love to try the hazelnut spread. I'm going to look out for these, as reduced sugar is good. I hope they are still tasty though.

  50. I have not tried them but I would like to try the hazelnut chocolate spread

  51. I haven't tried JimJams before I would love to try them all!. I would start with the Blackcurrant :)

  52. I had not even heard of them until I read this but as a chocaholic I would love to try the chocolate hazelnut spread.

  53. I'd like to try raspberry first. 57 cubes of sugar is pretty frightening really

  54. No not tried but would love to try the hazelnut spread X

  55. I've not tried them - but would go with the blackcurrant to start :)

  56. i have never tried them but would love to try the blackcurrant one first

  57. I haven't tried any yet but I'd love to try the Chocolate hazelnut.

  58. I have not tried any of them yet but the chocolate hazelnut spread sounds delicious

  59. I've tried the strawberry jam and it was delicious! I would really love to try the chocolate hazelnut spread now :)

  60. The hazelnut spread

  61. We got the hazelnut spread in a degustabox a few months ago, the kids loved it

  62. The Raspberry one sounds good

  63. I absolutely love the hazelnut spread, I got some in my degusta box so this would be great

  64. Haven't tried them before, but would love the hazelnut!

  65. Rebecca Alderson2 June 2016 at 20:48

    I haven't tried any of their spreads but I love the sound of the hazelnut chocolate spread, it would be great in brownies!

  66. I haven't tried these but would like to try the strawberry jam as it's my favourite fruit/flavour.

  67. I have never heard of them so would be pleased to try the hazelnut chocolate spread

  68. Ive not tried as yet, but would love to try the hazelnut one

  69. I`ve yet to try them can't wait as they sound delicious! I would love to try the hazelnut spread first xx

  70. I haven't tried any yet. The chocolate spread sounds tasty though and I would love to try this.

  71. I've never tried them but the Hazelnut chocolate spread sounds devine!

  72. Jeff Armstrong8 June 2016 at 11:10

    I didn't get time for breakfast this morning and just thinking about that hazelnut spread is making me drool..

  73. the hazelnut chocolate spread sound very yummy

  74. I have never heard of them before but would love to try their milk chocolate spread.

  75. Not heard of them before, but we'll be looking out for the hazelnut chocolate spread. That sounds really good.

  76. I've not heard of these but the choccy spread looks yum!

  77. I haven't tried them, they look delicious. I'd love to try the strawberry jam

  78. haven't heard of before. Would love to try the chocolate spread one as i love that it is lower in sugar. x

  79. I haven't tried Jim Jams yet but would love to try the hazelnut one :)

  80. I never have tried any, but I am obsessed with chocolate spread so that would be my choice!

  81. I haven't tried any yet, but would love to try the Strawberry

  82. we haven't tried but I do love the sound of the chocolate spread :)

  83. I've not tried any but the chocolate spread sounds amazing

  84. love to try the chocolate spread

  85. I haven't tried them yet but would love to. Hazelnut spread sounds delicious x

  86. i havent tried any before but the hazelnut spread would be my first choice

  87. I haven't tried them before but would love to give the hazelnut chocolate spread a try.

  88. i haven't tried them before but would love to try the strawberry jam but think my kids would love the chocolate spread more

  89. I would love to try the hazelnut spread! Looks yummy!

  90. I would love to try the hazelnut spread! But the jam looks yummy also!

  91. Has to be the hazelnut spread - i normally cant have it due to the sugar

  92. would like to try chocolate spread.

  93. not tried before but would like to try the Hazelnut Chocolate

  94. yes we have tried and love Hazelnut chocolate

  95. No I haven't, the strawberry jam sounds lovely xx

  96. I would like to try the hazelnut spread x

  97. Never tried it but i think i would like to try hazelnut spread.

  98. I have never tried but the Hazelnut spread looks lovely

  99. I haven't tried them yet but I would love to try the strawberry jam

  100. Never tried - would go for Hazelnut Spread!

  101. I've not tried before, but I'd love to try the chocolate spread!

  102. Hazelnut spread definitely

  103. The strawberry jam looks nice x

  104. JimJams Reduced Sugar Strawberry Jam on a home made welsh cake.

  105. Never tried - would love to try the Hazelnut Spread

  106. I haven't but I'd love to try the strawberry jam.

  107. I've never heard of JimJams before so no, never tried any of them! I'd most like to try the blackcurrant jam :)

  108. I've not heard of Jim Jams before, but I do like a good strawberry jam, so I would love to give my taste buds a treat with that!!

  109. I'd never heard of them before, but I'd love to try the milk chocolate spread. The no added sugar and reduced fat cocoa would make me feel less guilty!
