Monday 15 March 2021

Photo diary: week 10, project 365

 The first week of school passed without a glitch. Sasha was happy to go to school every day of the week, Eddie was excited to see his mates live rather than on a Zoom screen. 

In the last weeks Eddie's been pestering begging me to get a cat. It doesn't help that my brother sends snaps of their cat regularly (see below), and that my Mum and in-laws have cats as well. We've been checking the local Blue Cross site, but there is no choice. Most are reserved, and a few that are left are cat pensioners, in their 10-12s, which is not an option for us. I also looked up if we can buy a kitten, but OMG, the prices for Siberian cats are over £1000, totally crazy. I'd rather have a rescue, hopefully a younger one, not necessarily a kitten, but not a geriatric cat.

Chez Maximka

It was the 8th of March on Monday, International Women's Day, a big celebration in Russia. My late Dad used to buy bunches of flowers for my Mum and me, tulips or mimosa. I couldn't find any mimosa locally, and didn't like the tulips which I found in the shops, so picked a little posy for myself from the garden. The snowdrops are almost all gone now.

Chez Maximka

My husband was invited to talk about Le Carré for the forthcoming documentary. He was in the studio for an hour and a half, but they said they would only use a few minutes of footage. The studio was set-up in the Bodleian Library. 

We were very sad to hear that David's wife Jane died on the 27 February, so soon after David. Their son Nick wrote a beautiful piece for the Guardian, if you have time, please read - it's called My father was famous as John Le Carrė. My mother was his crucial, covert collaborator. There is a wonderful photo of them both. Such tenderness and love.

Chez Maximka

Eddie's school has a new head, and as it often happens with new heads, they like to establish their own rules. On the first day of school all children were told that from that day on they introduce a new system of punishments, something called Fix-it lists, where your misdemeanors are recorded for posterity, and apparently they will be sent to the secondary schools. 

I am all for discipline, but to go on about punishments on the first day of school after the lockdown, and children having anxiety, was it really necessary to hit them with the announcement?! Could they not make going back to school a joyous occasion, something to celebrate?!

I'm running a Thompson & Morgan seeds giveaway - just in case you've missed it. There are not many entries, so if you want to replenish your seeds bank, here is your chance to win a dozen of packets (there are also two options). But hurry up, it ends on Wednesday the 17th at midnight.

Chez Maximka

I often see this little robin out of the kitchen window. The other day I was just walking in the garden, when I spotted it again. I didn't have time to run to the house for the proper camera, and my iPhone is not the latest model, so the Zoom is not particularly good, but I was still pleased with this photo. What a pretty bird!

Chez Maximka

The sharp-pointed cloud caught my eye on the way home.

Chez Maximka

On Saturday I got some mail from Sweden, from a lady who was a friend of my dearest friend Anne. She sent me some old photos which she found recently in her stash, while decluttering.

That's Anne, Sasha and me in our old Woodstock flat. Sasha is still a tot, and what a cutie he was. It will be six years soon, since Anne's gone, and I often think of her. She was such a wonderful caring friend. Dear, dear Anne... I miss you so much.

Chez Maximka

How was your week?

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  1. It's wonderful to hear that the children are happy to go to school. With the children I think a mature cat would be better than a kitten. I had 2 kittens and their personality was not fully formed. A fellow blogger adopted her cat from Shropshire Cat Rescue, you might want to have a chat with them, to see if they have any cats you might like. Here is their link: I follow them on social media and they share pictures with the cats they want to re-home.

    Love the last picture. xx

    1. Thank you, Anca, I will have a look at the site you recommend, though ideally I don't want to travel far to fetch a cat. I have nothing against old cats, they can be lovely. We had a cat who lived for about 18 years, and he was the best company ever, but we had him from a young-ish age. I would love a cat who still has energy enough to be playful.

    2. Aww, by mature I meant not-kitten and not-elderly, at 2-3, something like that. :) I hope you can find a suitable cat.

  2. Your brother’s cat is so beautiful – I can see why the photos make Eddie want a cat too. So sorry to hear that David’s wife Jane passed away so soon after David. That piece and photo in the Guardian is beautiful. I don’t think I like the sound of Fix-It lists – especially as it gets passed on to the secondary school. Love the photo of the Robin and the photo of you, Sasha and Anne. #project365

    1. Thank you, Louise, I love that photo in the Guardian, it is so moving.

  3. That's a stunning Robin shot, no way my iPhone 6 would capture that so well. The new head sounds like a hideous man - what a thing to bring in after evertything the children have been through.How sad for Le Carre's son to lose both parents so close together - awful #365

    1. Thank you, Mary! Whispering: the new head is actually a woman. My child said he's glad it's his last year here, which is sad to hear.

  4. What a shame that the headmaster took such a stern approach after this last year being such a rollercoaster. I grew up with cats and they are so lovely to have at home. Our cat lived until she was 18 and was a lovely lady. We’ve since got a dog which the kids love :)

    1. Thank you, Lisa, I loved having a cat as a child/teenager, he was a great company, very sweet and friendly.

  5. Such lovely memories of old friends this week. The seed competition looks good. Well that new head is a delight for sure and I'm sure a word or two with the governors wouldn't hurt, you can't hold misdemeanours against a child for secondary school there's no confidence building there at all

    1. Thank you, Suzanne, I agree, it doesn't build up confidence at all.

  6. That is a beautiful cat. Ours was a rescue too and she was about 1/2 years old when we got her and she fitted right in. Wow that headmaster sounds a bit tough...should have let the kids settle in at least! And holding onto the info for secondary school sounds a bit much!

  7. You and Mary both take amazing bird shots but I just can't find time to learn how to use my camera properly! Love the happy memories inspired by the last pic from Anne. Could you use data protection to appeal against the new school rules? #project365

  8. So sorry to hear about David's wife passing so soon after. The cat is beautiful, I think prices of cats have gone up because of the pandemic as there is so much more demand. Hopefully they will come down again soon and there will be more kittens/younger cats too. Interesting approach by the headmistress. I would peak with the governors if they get enough feedback it would need to be raised in their meetings and minuted.

  9. So glad to hear that the kids are happy to be back in school. That is one beautiful cat. We seem to have a lot of kittens here, it is a shame you are so far away as two of my friends cats are expecting litters. Love the robin pic

  10. That is a lot of money for a cat, keep looking I am sure you will find a lovely rescue when the time is right. Your giveaway looked so good shame I missed it, next time make sure you promote them on loquax and prize finder, sites like that can help bring in lots more entries :)

  11. Your brothers cat is beautiful. My little lady is cat obsessed! We have two very old Ragdolls. I think the pandemic has increased prices, I have my eye on getting a puppy ;0)

  12. The punishment of fix it list sounds so awful especially for the kids who have gone through the anxiety of lockdown and online classes..I hope you get a lovely little kitten soon..the photo of the robin is amazing even though it is on a older phone..
