Sunday, 26 January 2025

Photo diary: week 4, Project 365

 Another week's gone in a whoosh. I'm still having troubles with my back pain, it was getting better only to flare up again, so for a couple of days I was quite incapacitated. I'm scared to say it's OK at the moment, so as not to jinx it. 

My great nephew is back at home from the hospital, but his Mum needed an operation. It's been a difficult time for them all, and I feel helpless, as there is nothing I can do from afar. 

Back to my daily photos. On Sunday I cooked cappellacci di zucca, a local speciality from Ferrara. My husband was visiting his parents (both unwell), and brought back some fresh pasta. This pasta was invented in the Renaissance period, and is a combination of sweet and savoury flavours (stuffed with pumpkin). 

Chez Maximka, food from Ferrara

The only purchase I made last Black Friday was the Ancestry DNA kit. It took ages for the kit to arrive, and then quite a bit for the results to get back.

If you think of doing it, don't bother with the Traits section, totally bollocks, and not worth paying for it. For example, supposedly I'm unlikely to get motion sick (while motion sickness is a huge issue for me, I cannot even travel on the bus without feeling terrible and need to take the meds); it claims I'm likely to prefer doing things with people (and in fact I do prefer doing things alone); my hair type is apparently wavy (my hair has never been wavy); likely to tolerate heat well (that's completely wrong); they think I'm an extrovert (ha ha); I'm less attractive to mosquitoes (I'm the blinking magnet for mosquitoes). 

They haven't done exactly everything wrong in the Traits, but more than a half of features are nonsense.

Now, the DNA analysis itself is very curious. I did know that there would be pretty much of a mixed heritage, but still expected a different result.

Have you done the Ancestry DNA, and what did you think of it? 

Chez Maximka

Another unnecessary purchase that I did recently was ordering a Tokyo Treat box. It's been such a horrid month, and I wanted to treat my boys and myself. I've been looking at their ads for over a year, and finally took the plunge. 

This is the January box. It is full of fascinating products, and we're enjoying exploring the new flavours and textures. There is a booklet, explaining what is what, though not all the products are listed.

Eddie and I liked the peanut butter candies with a jelly centre. The strawberry KitKats are also lovely. We haven't opened all the packets yet.

Have you tried a Tokyo Treat box?

One of the ink drawings I did last week - Eddie in a party hat, looking thoughtful.

Chez Maximka, Galina Varese art

I've been trying to de-clutter, and finding space for a new batch of books. I love the British Library Crime Classics series. The cover designs with the vintage posters are so stylish. 

Books in (all at half price, and I couldn't resist):

Chez Maximka, classic crime books

And books out - taken to the charity shop. A few of the books which I've read for reviewing, and some that I acquired in the past for us, which we won't be reading again.

Chez Maximka

Here is my Eddie, enjoying the Japanese noodles from the Tokyo Treat box. Given a chance, he would happily live on noodles. I'm obviously healthier cooking meals for us with protein and veg, but when my boy comes from school, he often makes a quick meal for himself.

Yesterday Eddie and I went to Oxford, while my husband and Sasha went to the local cafe. We didn't have any special plans, just mooched around the West Gate shopping centre. 
We had a quick bite at Itsu, and had a very strange encounter. There was a family of five who asked me to take a photo of them, then started to chat. They proudly told us that their young son (around 10 years old) had a prophecy that the war in Ukraine will end on the 17th of February. Well, we'll just have to wait and see. 

We didn't do much, bought a couple of t-shirts in TK Maxx for Eddie, some sweets, and also popped into Primark to check out the Squid Game pyjamas, but they didn't have any (thank goodness).
And that's about all the excitement we had for the last week.

I snapped George St in Oxford, as we were waiting for the bus home.

How was your week?

Chez Maximka

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  1. I hope your back continues to get better. Sending love and hugs. It sounds like you have a lot going on with family.
    That pasta looks and sounds so good.
    The DNA kit does sound interesting even if the traits are well off. I do like the sound of the Tokyo Treat box though, I think it's something my youngest would love. My girl would live on noodles given the chance too. x

    1. Thank you, Kim, my husband now wants to do his own DNA kit, he was very intrigued with my results. I think your daughter would love the Tokyo Box, I remember you got her some fancy KitKat box? Or was it Korean/Japanese snacks a while ago? And what is it with our kids and noodles? :)

  2. Interesting about your dna/heritage. When I did mine it was really boring. 98% English, of which the majority was Midlands, 2% Swedish which was random.
    Hope your back improves.
    Sounds like it was a nice trip into Oxford. It's always nice to do something different

  3. I hope your back is a little better this week. I've been looking at the ancestry DNA kits and would really like to do one eventually. The pasta sounds delicious.

  4. Sorry to hear that your back pain flared up again. Hope this week has been better. That’s interesting reading about the Ancestry DNA results. I’ve never done one. The Tokyo Treat box looks interesting. My husband brought back strawberry KitKats from his last trip to Tokyo and we liked them although weren’t so keen on some of the other flavoured KitKats we tried. I love your ink drawings. Noodles are good! I’m with Eddie on that one (but yes, important to have protein and veg as well!) #project365

  5. Your ink drawing is absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful talent to have. Glad your back is improving, sorry to hear your family are going through a rough time.

  6. A friend bought me ad Ancestry DNA kit many years ago, not so long ago the traits section was just added, some of it rang true, most of it didn't. I'm also 3% Germanic European and 89% from the Midlands.
    Hope your back is continuing to improve. Sorry to hear your husband's parent's aren't well.
    The Tokyo treat box looks and sounds very good. I hope you are enjoying your reading.
