Saturday, 11 January 2025

First week and a half of January'25: Project 365

 Last year has been a struggle from start to finish, with our older son's anxiety reaching such high levels, that the college discharged him, saying they couldn't cope with his challenging behaviour. It's nearly one year exactly since he went to college for the last time.

We've been with the disability team all this time, adjusting and changing doses and trialling different meds, trying to find the possible triggers and rule out any possible cause of the spike in anxiety. It was truly one hell of a year. 

If I didn't dye my hair, it would be completely white by now from all the worries. I'm Sasha's main carer, and feeling totally wiped out. 

I stopped taking part in Project 365 over two (or is it three?) years ago for several personal reasons, but I kept  thinking of going back, as I missed it. 

2025 didn't start too well for me. I managed to hurt my back on the new year's eve, and have been in pain for the last ten days. Most of the photos taken during this week and a half are mostly food and everyday objects around the house, as I spent a lot of time at home.

New Year's eve was stressful and fun in equal measure. We had friends over for dinner and watched the TV until early hours. 

On the 1st of January we kept eating the leftovers. I cooked a big risotto layer cake (with chestnut puree, mascarpone and butternut squash) as the vegetarian main. Our friends brought the lamb.

As nobody in particular fancied risotto the next day, I made a variation of arancini (risotto balls) and baked them in the oven.

Chez Maximka, Italian style food

The first book of the year which I started reading at the end of December was A Book for Christmas by Selma Lagerlöf. It's a collecton of winter-themed stories, based on Swedish folklore and Christian fables. It is properly old-fashioned in style, and rather moralistic, in a dated way. 

It's a lovely edition, and I did pick it up because of the author's name and an elegant book cover, but I won't be re-reading it ever again.

Chez Maximka, Swedish classic authors

One of my Christmas gifts was this cute little radio so that I could listen to Classic FM in the kitchen. They moved from DAB to DAB+ radio a year ago, and I could only listen to them on my iphone (which I rather hated). Very happy to be re-united with my favourite radio station.

Chez Maximka

I've been careful, staying at home with my bad back, but had to go out, albeit briefly. My husband was abroad (nothing new), and I needed to get to the pharmacy. Passing by the Teddy bears of Witney shop, I spotted a Snoopy toy in the window, and thought it's a bit symbolic. 

Chez Maximka

Going out happened to be not such a good idea. That's my "treats" for this week (not all at once).

I ordered a shopping bag on wheels from Amazon, and was aghast at the huge box it was delivered in.

I appreciate it's not exactly an elegant bag, but needs must. 

A friend took Eddie and me to Burford garden centre just before Christmas. I have a mini-tradition of buying one or two Gisela Graham Christmas tree decorations every year. This time I liked the look of those sparkling acorns (and yes, we still have our Christmas tree, and it will stay put until the Russian old new year, the 14th of January).

Chez Maximka

Cooking pasta e fagioli for dinner - two versions, one with meatballs, and one vegetarian, to suit all diets in the family.

Ventured out again, to the pharmacy and quick food shopping. There was a thin layer of ice in the canal.

Chez Maximka

Today Eddie and I went into town together, walking through the frozen flood fields. It was cold and foggy, and quite beautiful.

Chez Maximka

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  1. Welcome back!
    Sending love and hugs, it does sound like you have had a time of it. I hope your back is feeling better soon. It looks like you are well stocked up in all the pain killers.
    I keep thinking about getting myself a shopping trolley like that, they look so handy. x

    1. Thank you, Kim, with my meds and my husband's who's got a flu, our house looks like a mini pharmacy. A shopping trolley is not glamorous but really useful.

  2. Ah the frosty pictures are pretty. Hope your back pain is lessening. I love the Gisela Graham decorations too - didn't get any this year as didn't see any in our local garden centre in the right colours.

    1. Thank you, Emma, there wasn't much of an exciting choice of GG's ornaments this year. I remember a few years ago, I couldn't decide which toys to get, there were so many beautiful ones. This year's collection was a bit meh overall.

  3. I hope 2025 will be a much better year for you, it sounds like 2024 was a tough one for you.
    Your food sounds delicious, I keep seeing arancini mentioned everywhere but wasn't quite sure what it actually was so thanks for educating me.
    I hope you back is starting to feel better.

    1. Thank you, Angela, you can make all kinds of arancini, with minced meat and bechamel or vegetarian filling. We used to have a lovely Italian cafe/deli before Covid, I took my younger son there often for one of their arancini with bechamel sauce inside, they were very good. Sadly, the cafe is gone.

  4. Welcome back Galina! Sorry to hear that 2024 was such a tough year and that you’ve had a tough start to 2025 too with hurting your back. Hope that things improve for Sasha with his anxiety levels and that your back is better soon too. Wheeled shopping bags are great but that box is a ridiculous size. The fields look pretty with the frost. #project365

    1. Thank you, Louise, my back is beginning to get better, slowly, fingers crossed, I don't jinx it.

  5. A book for Christmas looks very pretty! I’ve never heard of pasta done that way with the meatballs, we normally just do pasta meatballs and a jar of dolmio so I’m going to be googling that recipe it looked lovely!

    1. Thank you, Maria, I add meatballs to quite a few pasta or noddle dishes. My son likes meatballs baked with Teriyaki sauce, and then served with udon noodles.

  6. How lovely to see you back again. I have missed your weekly updates, but it really doesn't feel like it's been two years since you last joined in with this. Sorry to hear you've hurt your back. Love the trolley, I too have one. I've had a trolley since the last child moved out of a pushchair. My hair hasn't been dyed now for 8+ years, saves a fortune and is in such good condition. Happy Russian New Year to you all x

    1. Thank you, Suzanne, it's been too long, and I missed the linky. My back is slowly getting better. I also think of stopping dying my hair, just need to embrace my age. :)
