Sunday 8 September 2024

Valhalla's Fury by Donovan Cook


historical fiction

"For longer than I can remember, Charles, I was lost. All I wanted was to die, to end my existence on Midgard. But then you came along and gave me a reason to live again".

"It did feel like the gods had turned against them. Or him. Although Sven was never really sure that Odin was ever with him".

Valhalla's Fury by Donovan Cook is a compulsive historical adventure book set in Francia in late summer AD 854.

This is the fourth book in the Charlemagne's Cross series, following Thor's Revenge. The main conflict has been established as a propelling course of action in the previous books, and I recommend starting with the first book in the series to appreciate all the dynamics of the plot, and the relationship between the major historical and fictional characters, appearing in this thrilling saga.


Abandoned by his people and destined for Valhalla, do not stand in the way of his fury.

Ribe is lost, its hall burnt, and Charles is still missing. Sven must once more sail into dangerous waters to rescue his grandson.

King Louis of East Francia, the man who took Sven's son from him almost twenty years ago, has Charles captive and uses him to force Sven to do his bidding and create chaos raiding his brother's Kingdom of West Francia.

The long awaited meeting of Charles and his mother, Abbess Hildegard, is not what Charles dreamed it would be and soon it becomes clear that Charles is in even more danger. Torn between the heathen gods and his Christian god, Charles must decide where his future lies.

Sven must fight if he wants to see Charles again and keep the Cross of Charlemagne out of the hands of the Frankish kings. The only thing that Sven knows is that to save Charles, innocent people must die.

Proceeding the events narrated in Thor's Revenge, when Sven the Boar, the jarl of Ribe, is separated from his grandson, and his hometown is burnt down, we follow his footsteps as he travels to Francia in search of Charles.

The people of Ribe are glad to see him leave, as they have never wanted him as jarl, "not after all he had done and the lives that were lost because of him".

King Louis of East Francia uses his own grandson as a pawn to force Sven's hand. "For King Louis, Charles was a threat, even if the boy was only nine winters old. He was a weapon that could be used against the king of East Francia, but as long as Sven proved to be useful to King Louis, then Charles would be safe. Or so Sven hoped".

Charles is a prisoner of King Louis. His mother, Abbess Hildegard, is pretty much the hostage of her father's political ambitions as well. The boy feels lost and despondent, and is quickly losing his faith. Being brought up a Christian, Charles believes he's been punished by God. He finds himself in a very dangerous position, and even his mother cannot safeguard him.

Unbeknown to him, Thora the shield maiden, and Sven's loyal supporter, travels across Francia to find Charles, and help him escape the clutches of King Louis. 

Thora senses a change in Charles. "The boy was destined to be a warrior, just like his father and his grandfather and their fathers before them. The Norns had already decided that for Charles, whether he accepted it or not".

Sven has lost the lust for battles, yet fight he must if he hopes to ever see his grandson alive. Caught between the enmity of the royal brothers, the Frankish kings, Sven is full of anger and fury. There is so much senseless loss of lives. Innocent people pay for the amibitions of their kings.

Who will get the infamous Charlemagne's Cross? Will Sven re-unite with his grandson?

Charles is so burdened by the feeling of guilt, that his Christian faith no longer supports him. He has been questioning his faith for a while, and having lived among both Christians and heathens, he finds savagery and kindness in both religions. There are so many questions, to which there are no obvious answers. Charles knows that one day he would have to make a choice between his grandfather and his mother, and this idea brings much misery.

Sven is a multi-dimensional character. It's impossible to like him.  Being what he is, a man of his times and culture, a bloodthirsty Norse raider, he is ruthless and savage. You shudder at the rate of violence his men and he incur on the innocent people. Yet he is not without redeeming qualities, and you feel a certain sympathy for him, as he genuinely loves his grandson, and is put into an unbearable position.

Numerous battle scenes are quite graphic, authentic and convincing. The characters, major and minor, will stay with you long after you finish the book. 

I don't know if there's going to be a new series, featuring the younger generation of characters from the Charlemagne's Cross series. I would love to know what life has in store for Charles (and Jorlaug).

Valhalla's Fury is a deftly-woven, remarkable ending of the excellent historical saga. Stylish, compulsive and very readable.


See reviews of the previous books in the series:

1. Odin's Betrayal

2. Loki's Deceit

3. Thor's Revenge

This review is part of the blog tour for Valhalla's Fury.

Many thanks to Donovan Cook, Boldwood Books and Rachel's Random Resources for my e-copy of the book!

Chez Maximka, historical fiction about Franks and Danes

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Author Bio –

Donovan Cook is the author of the well-received Ormstunga Saga series which combines fast-paced narrative with meticulously researched history of the Viking world, and is inspired by his interest in Norse Mythology.  He was born in South Africa and currently lives in Lancashire, UK.

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fiction about Vikings

Chez Maximka

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