Saturday 1 August 2020

Photo diary: week 31, project 366

It was such an uneventful week, and I think my mojo has deserted me altogether, I truly struggled with taking photos.
I just want to breathe some sea air, and feel the sand under my feet, not do the same things every week. Some people thrive on a routine, I find the sameness rather dispiriting.

On the plus side, I finished reading two good books - The Hopkins Conundrum by Simon Edge, which I bought a while ago, and The Surplus Girls by Polly Heron, sent to me by the author herself for reviewing.

On Sunday I baked an apple yogurt cake. And that was all the excitement for the day.

Chez Maximka, apple glut

We're going to have a glut of apples again this autumn. These apples are late-ripening, and will need to be picked by late September - early October. They keep well in the cold, the skin acquires a slightly waxy feel about them, and the taste becomes sweeter. Sometimes I still have apples left in early spring.

English garden in July, Chez Maximka

Finally the first cherry tomatoes started to ripen. I saw a discussion on Mumsnet earlier this week about the green tomatoes, and nodded in agreement. Lots of tomatoes on the vines, but nothing ripe yet. The taste of the tomato picked fresh from the vine, still warm from the summer sun, is incomparable. I also love the smell of tomatoes, and could easily wear it as a perfume, if there was a tomato perfume.

Chez Maximka, what to grow in the greenhouse

The last day of July was a scorcher. I don't do hot weather. My brain goes in the meltdown mode. I had to go into town, and nearly fainted. It was like walking through a warm milk.

And a three-photos' lot from today. We accompanied Sash and his father to the Café Nero, and I asked Eddie to stop to take some photos of the clouds, and my sarcastic child uttered: "That could take a while".
I just thought this cloud looks like a snake.

Chez Maximka, Witney

We popped in the book shop to see if we could find The Unadoptables but they didn't have a single copy. I have plenty to read, but always like to check out the books of the month at Waterstones.

Chez Maximka, Lacoste shirt for kids

Thankfully, today wasn't as hot as the day before, and I'm feeling more human.

Chez Maximka

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  1. I have felt the same over the past week. Life feels a little bit meh! I love a routine but this is too routine.
    The apple yogurt cake looks and sounds so good. Your apple tree looks amazing too.
    I love the smell of tomatoes too. You could be on to something there with a tomaoto perfume. hehehe
    It was ridiculously hot yesterday. I am no good in the heat either. x

    1. Thank you, Kim, meh is the right word. :) I'm fed up with our routine.

  2. Ahh I know what you mean. Which is probably why I decided on a big overhaul/revamp of our house during the summer holidays ! Reading, cooking and chilling out is great, but only as a rare treat. If you do it every day, it soon gets boring ! That said, your cake looks utterly delicious and I am very impressed by the quantity of apples in your tree ! Totally agree with you on the heat - your description as walking through warm milk is spot on !

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, home projects are a good idea, we could do with a few round the house, but it will be all on me. :)

  3. What a lovely photo of you and Eddie. It really was very hot on Friday! I do like warm, sunny weather, but my favourite temperature is about 24. I'm happy up to 28, but any more than that is too hot. I'm impressed that you get so many apples on your tree and that they last so long. The tomatoes look very tasty.

    1. Thank you, Sarah, we were lucky to "inherit" an established garden when we bought the house. There are two old apple trees, and a younger one. Plus Mum and I planted two more, of different varieties.

  4. I feel the same way about the heat. Maybe this adds up to your discomfort and makes you feel you've lost your mojo. Your apple tree is gorgeous. I also saw your fig tree on instagram. I recently bought a fig tree and I was curious how old is yours and how to you care for it. If you have the time, I will send you an email with a few questions.

    Love the photos of Eddie and the one with you and Eddie. xx

    1. Thank you, Anca, ask away about the fig. We didn't plant ours, it was already in the garden when we bought the house. I think it needs space. Ours grows in the ground, but you can also grow it in a big container. It also needs lots of sunlight.

  5. I hope you are ok, I have meant to message you so many time these last few months but life has just been against me. You are lucky - we have no apples on our tree this year at all and the slugs ate the tomato plants months ago!! #366

  6. It’s hard being restricted – I struggle with the sameness of daily life at times too. That apple yogurt cake looks very yummy. What a lot of apples on your tree and how lovely that the cherry tomatoes are ripening. It was very hot at the end of last month – much nicer when it cooled down a little again. Love that photo of you and Eddie. #project366

  7. I am with you, hate the heat and way way to warm to be alive. But the storm we got after was amazing.
    oh dear at the mojo deserting you.
    I agree with you love a warm tomato straight from the vine, but hate the smell of the vines

  8. Oh not heard of an apply yoghurt cake before...but it looks so good!

    I am not keen on hot weather. We tend to stay indoors with the fan on.

    Oh wow that does look like a lot of apples!

  9. Our apple tree has no fruit this year and I have no idea why. The apple and yoghurt cake sounds delicious

  10. Your apple yogurt cake looks absolutely fabulous! Very impressed. I am finding the hot weather draining too. Today it gave me a headache, I don't know how people can spend all day in the heat.

  11. Gosh, you did have it hot with you! I don't think it has reached the highs of 35 in the North West, but here's hoping at some point! What a fabulous apple tree and lovely to hear that you get so much from it! Never tried an apple yoghurt cake before but it looks amazing! Sim x

  12. I am not a fan of hot weather and it has been even more unbearable for the last week! The cake looks delicious. The apples on our tree have all gone in our tummies now! #project366

  13. Your apple yogurt cake looks lush! Very professional! I'm not sure I'm sold on your tomato perfume idea haha! You can taste the difference tho, its not my favourite part of a salad I have to admit!

  14. I don't think we've really had the warm weather up here, I can imagine it's been difficult down south. The cake looks delicious. x

  15. The yogurt cake looks delicious, I think we have missed most of the really hot weather but I find my brain goes too, i just can't operate. Our tomatoes have all ripened at once which now means we need to make them into sauce. So annoying.
