Friday 31 May 2024

Under a Summer Skye by Sue Moorcroft ( review + #giveaway )


modern romance set on Skye

"These beautiful surroundings were her happy place, where she breathed the clear Skye air and relished the peace and serenity of the island".

Under a Summer Skye by Sue Moorcroft is a contemporary romance set on the Isle of Skye.


A Scottish island. A stranger from the mainland. A summer of possibilities...

Escape to the Isle of Skye this summer with the Sunday Times bestselling author, and lose yourself in the first book of the Skye Sisters Trilogy.

A chance encounter is about to change everything for Thea Wynter.

The moment she arrived on the Isle of Skye, life changed for Thea. Running from a succession of wrong turns, she comes to the island in search of blue sea, endless skies, and mountains that make the heart soar. Here, she feels at peace.

As head gardener at Rothach Hall, life is exactly how she wants it, with her days spent working in the glorious clifftop garden and her evenings in the cosy village pub.

But an encounter with a stranger from the mainland brings with it an unexpected turn - and she is left wondering whether he is friend or foe.

It seems that even on Skye, life can catch up with you, and Thea is soon faced with the past she left behind - and with it, the family she's never met...

From old lives to new beginnings, lose yourself on the beautiful Isle of Skye with Thea as she discovers how many possibilities life can truly hold if you look hard enough.

Thea Wynter works as a head gardener at Rothach Hall, an old manor on the Isle of Skye, rescued from falling into ruins by a successful couple. Thea enjoys her job, it makes her feel fulfilled. She also feels safe in the near-obscure environment, where nobody is aware of her past.

For the last eight years Thea has been hiding from the wide public after an accident that has shattered her world. 

Thea and her two sisters have been adopted into a loving family. There is a great bond between the sisters. One is a successful lawyer, another works as an assistant manager at Rothach Hall. 

Yet there is also a yearning gap in Thea's heart and mind. What is her true identity? What circumstances have brought her to be adopted?

A chance encounter with a handsome stranger seems to become a catalyst for a series of events that bring more questions than answers. And the past cannot stay hidden forever.

Deveron Dowie has his own skeletons in the closet. The recent dramatic events including the collapse of his business and a personal betrayal cloud his judgment and he accepts a rather questionable job,  writing commision pieces for the clickbait celebrity website on the "Where are they now?" series. Thea's story brings him to Rothach Hall. Meeting Thea makes Dev re-think his priorities.

Accepting that nobody is perfect might be one of the ways of moving forward. What do you do when everything that seems stable comes into question?

Ever since I first read a book set on the Isle of Skye (Wildfire at Midnight by Mary Stewart) as a teen, I was fascinated by this unique location, and it has become one of my favourite fiction settings. 

Sue Moorcroft creates an evoctive, atmospheric setting for her latest novel. 

This is the sixth or seventh book by the author that I've read. I love Sue Moorcroft's depictions of nature and landscapes. She has a talent for creating a vivid scenery in just a few sentences, for example, "Above the road, rock crags punctuated slopes green with trees, white cottages with slate roofs half hidden in their midst. A sea eagle spread its wings and soared between pearly grey sculpted clouds lit on one side. It felt unreal, like being part of a landscape painting on a wall".

There are several themes going on: how we perceive ourselves based on our origins (or the lack of knowledge of our true origins), family loyalty and how far we're ready to sacrifice for the family allegiance, the dark side and mob-like power of social media trolls and more.

Thea has made a terrible mistake of judgment. Has she paid enough in anxiety, hiding from the truth? 

There is an abundance of supporting characters, which are drawn effortlessly and convincingly, from an elderly couple next door to the self-centred influencer Fredek.

The so called influencer character is a bit of a parody. They are mercenary, manipulative, scheming and totally oblivious to anyone else's feelings.

There's a couple of things that make this book a mixed bag for me. 

A. the dog's antics. It appears to be a trend in contemporary romance that the presence of a companion animal becomes a must. Sometimes it is integral as part of the plotline, sometimes it's used as a trope to show the sensitive side of the main character. And while some readers will be undoubtedly rolling their eyes at yet another dog that takes too much page-space in the story, for the canine fans this could be one of the major attractions.

B. There is a pretty graphic creative sex scene that might offend some readers. As I have a lot of blog readers from the States who prefer the so called clean romance, the frisky scenes might ruffle some feathers.

Under a Summer Skye is an uplifting and enjoyable story of secrets and lies, family loyalty and betrayal. Sue Moorcroft blends authentic location detail with emotional drama and plenty of light-hearted notes.

A lovely diversion for a holiday afternoon.

This post is part of the blog tour for Under a Summer Skye.

Many thanks to Sue Moorcroft and Rachel's Random Resources for my e-copy of the book!

Chez Maximka, books set on Isle of Skye


Purchase Links

Author Bio –

Sue Moorcroft is a Sunday Times bestselling author, and her novels have been #1 on Kindle UK and Top 100 on Kindle US, Canada and Italy. She writes two books a year for publishing giant HarperCollins and has won the Goldsboro Books Contemporary Novel of the Year, Readers’ Best Romantic Novel award, a HOLT Medallion and the Katie Fforde Bursary. She’s the president of the Romantic Novelists’ Association.

Her novels, short stories, serials, columns, writing ‘how to’ and courses have appeared around the world.

book sets on Isle of Skye


Social Media Links –

Amazon page: Sue Moorcroft

Audible page: Sue Moorcroft


Facebook author page SueMoorcroftAuthor

Twitter: @SueMoorcroft

Instagram: @SueMoorcroftAuthor

And now here is your chance to win a signed copy of the book, Sue Moorcroft pen and bookmarks.


Giveaway to Win a Signed copy of Under A Summer Skye, plus Sue Moorcroft Pen and Bookmarks (Open to UK Only)

*Terms and Conditions –UK entries welcome.  

Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  

The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. 

If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. 

Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  

Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. 

This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  

Chez Maximka is hosting the Rafflecopter gadget for free for the pusposes of the book promotion. 

I have no access to the data collected, aI'm not responsible for the selection of the winner, despatch or delivery of the prize.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

books set on Isle of Skye

Monday 27 May 2024

A New Doctor at Orchard Cottage Hospital by Lizzie Lane


fiction set after WWI

"With grim determination, she marched out with her head held high, unsure of what might happen next but suddenly determined that she would win them all over, that as a woman she would take this job no matter what, a small act of defiance towards those who had belittled her. Whatever would be would be".

A New Doctor at Orchard Cottage Hospital by Lizzie Lane is a captivating historical novel, set in 1930.


A country town in need of a good Doctor, but will they accept her as one of their own?

Somerset, March 1930.

Born in the workhouse and adopted by a former suffragette, Frances Brakespeare was encouraged from an early age to be strong, independent and to pursue a career as a doctor. The tragic loss of the love of her life in the Great War propels Frances to commit to her one true vocation.

Rebelling against the unfair treatment of female doctors, Frances is dismissed from her London post and things continue to take a turn for the worse when Izzy, her benefactress dies and Frances finds herself homeless.

With no employment or roof over her head, her future seems uncertain until she's offered a residency at the Orchard Cottage Hospital in Norton Dene, Somerset, a town where quarrying and coal mining scar the land.

It is a far cry from London, and town's narrow minds are not so welcoming of a young, female Doctor, but she's determined to win through.

At first sight the town seems quaintly old-fashioned, a place where nothing much happens but there are secrets and sins bubbling beneath the surface plus a mystery she's determined to solve.

When Frances Brakespeare loses her job at St Aldelm Hospital, she finds herself in a quandary. Her situation is very precarious. Her adoptive mother, Miss Izzy, has died, and Frances becomes homeless.

Looking for professional positions in the paper, she comes across an adevtisement, "Resident Doctor required. Orchard Cottage Hospital, Norton Dene, Somerset. Duties to be wide ranging. Accommodation supplied. A basic stipend of three hundred and fifty guineas is payable."

This position would solve so many problems for Frances, were she employed as the local doctor. 

Norton Dene is a small community, and people are not used to an idea of a woman doctor. Not everyone is happy about the big changes. Frances meets quite an opposition, and has to navigate a lot of undercurrents which she cannot understand at first. Along the way, she makes new friends and comes up with great ideas for the hospital

Frances is passionate about her job, but she is lacking in diplomacy skills. While understandable that her feathers have been ruffled during the interview, she is ready to flounce out without trying to prove her point. She appears to be prickly and awkward, no wonder, the committee might see her as being problematic. 

There is a great gallery of supportive characters, each adding a realistic touch to the story. 

Take Miss Izzy, a former suffragette, who pours all her love and stalled ambitions into raising her adopted daughter. Living through the great injustice and heartache, she has high hopes for Frances. Encouraging her to be independent, in a way Izzy lives her own life through her daughter's, at times being resentful and even hostile when she thinks Frances is making a mistake. 

The novel has strong female protagonists from different social backgrounds and age groups. 

The Norton Dene womenfolk, Lucy, Nancy, Ma Skittings, the formidable Lady Araminta Compton-Dixon, chairman of the hospital trust - their personal stories portray the challenges women faced in-between the wars.

This is the first book by Lizzie Lane that I've read, and I'm happy to discover this new historical series. This is a character-driven historical fiction, a tale of loss and courage, professional challenges and fulfilment.

Loved the story setting, it gave me the vibes of Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman (TV series that I used to watch in the 1990s).Though the setting is different (both the historical period and country), it also addresses the issue of gender, and the obstacles professional women faced in the male-dominant world. Both doctors are strong characters, who need to fight againts prejudices.

A New Doctor at Orchard Cottage Hospital is a beautiful evocative story, full of secrets and emotions, with a likeable protagonist and lashings of romance to come. Utterly compelling.

This post is part of the blog tour for A New Doctor at Orchard Cottage Hospital.

 Many thanks to Lizzie Lane, Boldwood Books and Rachel's Random Resources for my e-copy of the book!

Chez Maximka, historical saga

Purchase Link -

Author Bio –

Lizzie Lane was born and brought up in one of the toughest areas of Bristol, as the eldest of three siblings. Her mother, who had endured both the depression and war years, was a natural born storyteller, and it's from her telling of actual experiences of the tumultuous first half of the twentieth century that Lizzie gets her inspiration. Lizzie now lives in Bath, preferring to lead a simple life where she can write without interruption.

historical saga


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historical fiction set after WWI

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Whispers Through the Canvas by K.J. McGillick (guest post)


time travel fiction

I'm delighted to welcome K.J. McGillick to my blog today.

Whispers Through The Canvas

Murder... Across The Fractured Corridors of Time.

Plunged into a centuries-old conspiracy, unconventional art historian Rowan Southeil must race against time to stop an ancient evil from rewriting history. When a young artist is murdered in a chilling echo of medieval violence, Rowan finds herself drawn to a seemingly unrelated clue - a 16th-century painting drenched in arcane symbols. Aided by the victim's haunting presence, Rowan delves into the painting's mysterious past, uncovering a dark conspiracy that stretches back generations.

Teaming up with the pragmatic Detective Lancaster, the intuitive Rowan follows a daring journey through time, from the storied halls of 16th-century Tudor London to the secretive 17th-century Vatican. As she awakens powerful elemental forces within herself, Rowan must decipher the painting's secrets - and the connection to the medieval-style murder - before Lev Rubilov, a dark centuries-old occultist, can harness its magic to rewrite history and restore a twisted vision of the past.

For fans of genre-blending thrillers like A Discovery of Witches and Outlander, this captivating novel weaves together mystery, the supernatural, and high-stakes time travel in a race against the clock to stop an ancient evil. Whispers Through The Canvas is a crime story, filled with action and adventure, within a historical fantasy milieu. If you love kick-ass heroines who have a bit of life experience and walk on the wild side of magic, this book is for you.

Purchase Links

Author Bio –

From the bustling courtrooms of Atlanta to the vibrant tapestry of 16th-century England, Kathleen McGillick's life and career have been a captivating blend of legal expertise, artistic passion, and a thirst for adventure.

Fueled by an undergraduate and graduate degree in nursing, Kathleen built a foundation of compassion and care. This dedication to service later led her to pursue a Juris Doctorate, allowing her to navigate the intricacies of the legal system for nearly three decades. Her courtroom experience now breathes life into the intricate details of her legal thrillers, ensuring every courtroom scene crackles with authenticity.

But Kathleen's story doesn't end there. A deep fascination with art history led her to delve into the world of renowned artists and captivating eras. Her particular passion for 16th-century British history allows her to transport readers to richly detailed historical settings, immersing them in the culture, politics, and societal nuances of the time.

Driven by an unwavering dedication to her craft, Kathleen has independently published eleven legal thrillers since 2018. Her commitment extends beyond solo creation, as she actively engages with the writing community, honing her skills through workshops and courses led by renowned authors.

And when she's not crafting captivating narratives, Kathleen embarks on international journeys, soaking in diverse cultures and experiences that further enrich her writing. This global perspective adds another layer of depth and realism to her stories, allowing readers to connect with characters and settings that transcend geographical boundaries.

To delve deeper into Kathleen's world and explore her captivating legal thrillers, visit her website at


Social Media Links –

time travel fiction

A Sublime Synthesis: Magic and 16th Century England (guest post by K.J. McGillick )

Ever since I could remember, I've been drawn to tales of wizards, witches, and the mysterious unknown. At the same time, the rich tapestry of 16th century English history has long entranced me with its clashing ideologies, monumental events, and legendary figures. For me, there could be no more sublime synthesis than wedding magic with the vibrant, transitional era of the 1500s in England.

It was a bewitching period when the medieval firmly intersected with the Renaissance - superstition coexisting with empirical inquiry, ancient folklore clashing with humanist rationality. In many ways, the 16th century marked the peak of Western civilization's obsession with all things occult and esoteric. The revival of Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and neo-Platonic magic spurred the likes of John Dee and other learned men to obsessively study the arcane. Debates raged between proponents of white versus black magic, angel versus demonic conjuring.

Yet even as so-called "high magic" entranced the intelligentsia and court nobility, faerie faiths and rustic traditions maintained a stronghold in the popular imagination. One can envision villagers whispering of witches blighting crops, dances with the fey folk under the full moon, or rituals to summon familiars at the dead of night. The very same circles where genteel pursuits of alchemy and astrology were practiced also fostered a deep paranoia of the diabolical other.

Simultaneously, the Protestant Reformation's rejection of Catholic doctrine opened the door for a renewed persecution of those mystics accused of witchcraft - the "cunning folk," wise women, and crones. Upheaval reigned as a Renaissance lust for scientific knowledge collided with deep-rooted pagan traditions. Witch trials and moral panics gripped town after town in their furor.

With its potent, romanticized backdrop of swirling cosmic mysteries and earthly religious conflicts, there is arguably no richer crucible to blend magic and history than 16th century England. Here was an era when the roots of our modern world first manifested, yet a society still equally obsessed with reasoned enlightenment and the alluring, unseen supernatural.

From the lofty towers of learned occult philosophers to the damp, earthen hovels of the rustic wise woman, magic in all its forms infused every stratum of 16th century English life and culture. The era birthed the very notion of the "wise man" or "cunning man" - a renaissance mage straddling medicine and the arcane. Such storied figures as Thomas Allen, John Selman, and Mother Shipton were either revered or reviled for their alleged command of preternatural powers.

In the synthesis of magic and the vibrant tapestry of 16th-century England, we discover a profound reflection of the human condition. Through the lens of history, we uncover echoes of our own struggles with faith, reason, and the unknown. In this sublime fusion, we find not only a window into the past but also a mirror reflecting our deepest desires and fears.

My new book Whispers Through The Canvas blends all my genre loves: Mystery, Magical Realism, Historical Fantasy, and Time Travel.

time travel fiction

Monday 20 May 2024

The Secret Daughter of Venice by Juliet Greenwood (review + #giveaway)

historical fiction set during WWII


"She could sense it. Now, more than ever, she knew she had to find out about her past, or her future would never be truly her own".

The Secret Daughter of Venice is a historical novel, set in England and Italy during and after the WWII.


The paper is stiff and brittle with age as Kate unfolds it with trembling hands. She gasps at the pencil sketch of a rippling waterway, lined by tall buildings, curving towards the dome of a cathedral. She feels a connection in her heart. Venice.

England, 1941.

When Kate Arden discovers a secret stash of drawings hidden in the pages of an old volume of poetry given to her as a baby, her breath catches. All her life, she has felt like an outsider in her aristocractic adoptive family, who refuse to answer any questions about her past. But the drawings spark a forgotten memory: a long journey by boat... warm arms that held her tight, and then let go.

Could these pictures unlock the secret of who she is? Why her mother left her? With war raging around the continent, she will brave everything to find out...

A gripping, emotional historical novel of love and art that will captivate fans of The Venice Sketchbook, The Woman on the Bridge and The Nightingale.

Kate Arden feels suffocated by the confines of Arden House. Snatched from everyone and everything she knew, she was brought to England as a little child and adopted by the Ardens. Though loved by her sisters, and being treated kindly by her step-mother, Kate feels she doesn't belong here. 

All questions about her past are left unanswered. 

Kate is a talented artist, and dreams of studying art, but Leo Arden, her strict father, doesn't want her to move to London. She's always been interested in sketching and drawing, and some suppressed distant memories suggest that she might have had an inspiring teacher.

"...drawing had always been her refuge, the one thing she could hold onto from her past and that elusive memory of the woman - who had surely been her mother - holding her, guiding her, encourgaing her".

Her late (adoptive) mother left illustrated Shakespeare's volumes to all her daughters, with messages hidden inside. One day, after examining the volume once again, Kate realises that the book cover has something hidden within the finer leather. There is a selection of drawings that might reveal the secrets of Kate's past, and possibly her true mother.

"Somewhere here lay the secrets of her past, and the reason Leo Arden brought her from the warmth of grape vines and olives to the frigid winter of Arden House".

The pater familias is the product of his generation and social status. Leo Arden believes he knows best what his womenfolk need. Children have to be obedient. The whole family tiptoe around him, not daring to provoke him or displease. If only he would tell Kate what she desires to know.

Instead, Kate is left to find her true origins, by solving the clues left to her, and some hints from her old teacher.  Her early memories come as day dreams, and they are all about distant shores, warmer climes, and gentle hands that cherished her.

"She shivered, remembering the deep cold that had settled in her bones in her first terrified days at Arden House; and the feeling of absence - absence of familiar heat, of earth brittle with lack of moisture and yet rich with the scent of lemons and olive groves, rosemary and wild thyme. The absence, most of all, of love".

Unfulfilled as an artist, and unable to pursue her painting until the war is over, Kate uses her artistic skills to alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable. Working with young children who've lost everything during the Nazi raids, she proves to be a talented and compassionate teacher.

"She was going to escape! Her life was going to be her own, at least. and perhaps she could use that freedom to follow the clues left to her by her mother and find her, wherever she might really be."

Along Kate's tale we follow the story of Sofia, who is looking for her daughter in Italy, while the war is raging around. Sofia is a talented artist herself. Rather than return to New York when she still could, she stays in Venice, to find answers to the "question that had, in the midst of all her riches and success, eaten away at her, leaving her hollow inside".

Will mother and daughter be able to discover what's happened to each other? Will Kate at last know who she really is?

The plotline settings alternate between England (Warwickshire, West Midlands and Cornwall) and Italy (Venice and Naples).

I loved the Cornish setting, and the descriptions of the sea... the old cottage that used to be the artists' haven, the gallery at St Ives. 

The secret daughter of Venice is a moving story of secrets and deception, fractured families and tragedies, and being true to oneself. 

Juliet Greenwood captures the time and social setting beautifully. The descriptions of hardships of life during the war and human suffering are poignant and harrowing (e.g. the scene of the baby rescue after the raid is heart-stopping). Evocative, vivid, inspired. Highly recommended. 

This review is part of the blog tour for The Secret Daughter of Venice.

Many thanks to Juliet Greenwood, Storm Publishing and Rachel's Random Resources for my e-copy of the book!

Chez Maximka

Purchase Links


Author Bio –

Juliet Greenwood is a historical novelist published by Storm Publishing. Her previous novel, The Last Train from Paris, was published to rave reviews and reached the top 100 kindle chart in the USA. She has long been inspired by the histories of the women in her family, and in particular with how strong-minded and independent women have overcome the limitations imposed on them by the constraints of their time, and the way generations of women hold families and communities together in times of crisis, including during WW2.

After graduating in English from Lancaster University and Kings College, London, Juliet worked on a variety of jobs to support her ambition to be a full-time writer. These ranged from running a craft stall at Covent Garden to running a small charity working with disadvantaged children, and collecting oral histories of traditional villages before they are lost forever. She finally achieved her dream of becoming a published author following a debilitating viral illness, with her first novel being a finalist for The People’s Book Prize and her first two novels reaching #4 and #5 in the UK Kindle store.

Juliet now lives in a traditional quarryman’s cottage in Snowdonia, North Wales, set between the mountains and the sea, with an overgrown garden (good for insects!) and a surprisingly successful grapevine. She can be found dog walking in all weathers working on the plot for her next novel, camera to hand.



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Historical fiction set during WWII


Giveaway to Win 3 x Signed copies of The Secret Daughter of Venice (Open to UK Only)

*Terms and Conditions –

UK entries welcome.  

Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  

The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. 

If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. 

Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  

Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. 

This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  

The Rafflecopter gadget is hosted by Chez Maximka for free for the purposes of the blog tour. I have no access to the data collected.

I am not responsible for selection of the winner, despatch or delivery of the prize.

Good luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 16 May 2024

Crucial Black by Colin Garrow (extract)


Chez Maximka

I'm thrilled to welcome Colin Garrow to my blog today.

Crucial Black

A brace of corpses. A bone-crunching machine. A new recruit.

Now employed by an Inverness organised crime gang, former petty thief Relic Black is teamed up with hitman Ali McKay, the man he almost killed a few weeks earlier. As the team tidy up the loose ends after the shooting, gang member and bent cop DI McKenzie must investigate the disappearance of two people, knowing Relic and Ali have already disposed of the bodies.

Meanwhile, Rebecca’s unpopular colleague DI Swinney, suspects her of involvement in the shooting. Knowing one of the bodies currently taking up space in the mortuary remains anonymous, he discovers the man’s identity. Can Swinney uncover the truth, dig the dirt on McKenzie and regain his former status with the DCI, or will the gang step in to stop him?

Warning - strong language and adult situations throughout.

Crucial Black is book #2 in the Relic Black Thriller series set in Inverness, Scotland.

NB book #2 is not a standalone – the series must be read in order.


Purchase Link



Author Bio –

Colin Garrow grew up in a former mining town in Northumberland. He has worked in a plethora of professions including taxi driver, antiques dealer, drama facilitator, theatre director and fish processor, and has occasionally masqueraded as a pirate.

His short stories have appeared in several literary mags, including SN Review, Flash Fiction Magazine, Word Bohemia, Every Day Fiction, The Grind, A3 Review, 1,000 Words, Inkapture and Scribble Magazine. He currently lives in a humble cottage in Northeast Scotland where he writes novels, stories, poems and the occasional song.

He also makes rather nice vegan cakes.


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Extract from Crucial Black

Owing bent cop Rebecca McKenzie a few favours, barber Hughie McVitie finds himself agreeing to do some spying on her behalf…

The Twa Heids Barber Shop, Castle Street, Inverness 7:12pm

Hughie McVitie flicks the cigarette away and locks the shop door. Standing for a minute, he tells himself to calm down. After all, it’s not as if the bitch is calling him night and day for favours. He looks at the address she’s sent him. It’s only a ten-minute walk from where he is, so not massively out of his way. Walking down past the castle, he veers right onto View Place, then into Haugh Road. Turning left, he gets confused. Halfway along, the road goes straight on to a dead end but also leads off to his left. Both, apparently, are Gordonville Road. Not confusing at all. Taking the left one, he follows it along almost to the corner of Paton Street and realises he’s walked in a full circle. Backing up, he finds the flats on the right-hand side.

Gazing around, there’s no-one lurking in the bushes. In fact, there aren’t any bushes to lurk in. If anyone were spying on the place, as McKenzie seems to think, it’d be near impossible to do it without being spotted. Crossing to the opposite pavement, he continues along, ducking under the tree overhanging the house on the corner and promptly colliding with a man doing the same thing coming the other way.

‘Fuck’s sake,’ Hughie mutters.

The other man steps aside. ‘Aye, my fault, mate, sorry…’ Then he pauses. ‘Hang on…’

‘Oh, Christ,’ says Hughie. ‘What is it noo? Am I no even allowed to walk the fuckin streets on ma ain?’

Swinney mumbles something Hughie can’t hear and hurries off past the flats.

Hughie stands watching until the copper reaches the other end and turns the corner. Unsure what to do, he dithers for a minute, then follows the cop back down to the main road. By the time he gets to the junction there’s no sign of him.

Fine. Well, that’s me done, he thinks to himself. Taking out his mobile, he sends a text. A minute later, he gets a reply.

Hang around for an hour, will ye? See if he comes back.

Scanning the message, Hughie groans. ‘Fuck’s sake. Like I’ve no got onythin else to do.’

Chez Maximka

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Murder on the Italian Riviera by T.A. Williams


cosy mystery set in Italy

"Just you be careful. I wouldn't want this to be some kind of hoax or, even worse, like an attempt to incriminate you in return or even kill you".

Murder on the Italian Riviera by T.A. Williams is an entertaining cozy mystery, with grips and twists until the very end.

This is the 7th book in the Armstrong and Oscar Cozy Mysteries series. It reads as a standalone, but it might help understand the dynamics between the main characters, as well as their back story, if you've read some - or all - of the previous books in the series. (If you haven't discovered this series yet, I suggest you start with the 1st book. You will thank me later.)


A brand-new cozy crime series set in gorgeous Tuscany... It's murder in paradise!

An ex-con...

Private investigator Dan Armstrong is no stranger to working with criminals, but when he's approached for help by Bianca Moretti, he's on high alert. Biance is intelligent and beautiful, and Dan likes her, but he also once sent her to prison...

A suspicious death...

Bianca explains that a guest has been found dead at her father's luxurious and private retreat on the beautiful Italian Riviera. The police are sure the death is accidental, but Bianca is convinced the man's been murdered. Dan's sure he can get to the bottom of things... as long as Bianca is telling him the whole truth.

A very revealing case!

But when Dan arrives at the resort, he's in for a shock. He finds that the place is a naturist retreat, and everybody is walking around stark naked! Dan is determined to discover the truth, but this is going to mean revealing a whole lot more of himself than he expected.

Can Dan sniff out the truth about this case before Oscar's cold wet nose causes havoc?

Dan Armstrong and his loyal sidekick Oscar the labrador are back in action. Dan works as a private detective in Tuscany. He is a retired Met DCI, and also a published author with a bestselling book.

Dan loves Italy and he enjoys his job. "There was no doubt about it, my decision to settle in Tuscany two years ago was one of the best of my life..." 

When Bianca Moretti asks him to look into a death of a British tourist named Jospeh Beck at her father's private retreat, Dan is rather surprised. The last time he met Bianca was back in the UK, when he sent her to prison.

Bianca is a mystery figure. Can Dan trust her motives for approaching him? Is it some kind of a revenge plot to pay back? Why couldn't Bianca find someone else to look into the case of the dead Brit?

The police pronounce it the accidental death, yet Bianca is convinced that Beck has been murdered.

When Dan arrives at the resort on the Italian Riviera, he is in for a big surprise. This is the naturist retreat. To uncover the truth, Dan has to blend in with the guests. But where and how will he carry his notebook and phone?

The retreat welcomes guests from all over Europe. Finding the right information is rather tricky.

"I was feeling curious to know more about the mysterious Joseph Beck. Who had he been: a harmless, trilingual Brit with a penchant for letting it all hang out or somebody altogether less clear-cut?... had his death really been a simple accident or might there have been a more sinister reason behind it?"

This series combines all the winning elements of the genre, a clever mystery, a sympathetic main character, a gentle humour, dramatic and eye-catching locations (a new one in each book), wonderful descriptions of local cuisine, colourful supporting characters and much more.

And Oscar is truly a shining star of each instalment in the series.

I've said it before that there are many cosy mysteries with a token dog/cat/mouse, "helping" with the investigation, but Oscar has become a truly integral part of the series. He has a great personality, and his interactions with Dan and people he meets are a joy to observe.

Murder on the Italian Riviera is an intriguing puzzle with plenty of twists, red herrings and false leads. I've enjoyed all the books in the series, Dan and Oscar have become my friends, and I'm looking forward to each new mystery with great anticipation.

Many thanks to T.A.Williams, Boldwood Books and Rachel's Random Resources for my e-copy of the book!

Chez Maximka, cosy mystery set in Italy

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Author Bio –

I write under the androgynous name T A Williams because 65% of books are read by women. In my first book one of the (female) characters suggests the imbalance is due to the fact that men spend too much time getting drunk and watching football. I couldn't possibly comment. Ask my wife...

I've written all sorts: thrillers, historical novels, short stories and now I'm enjoying myself hugely writing romance and whodunnits. Romantic comedies are what we all need from time to time. Life isn’t always very fair. It isn’t always a lot of fun, but when it is, we need to embrace it. Murder mystery is all very well, but it needs to put a smile on your face, so that's why I like to inject some humour. I'm having a lot of fun writing the Armstrong and Oscar cozy mystery series set in sunny Italy. They are all standalone books but if you really want to do it properly, start with the first one in the series, Murder in Tuscany. If my books can whisk you away to gorgeous locations, put a smile on your face and maybe give your heartstrings a tug, then I know I’ve done my job.

I‘ve lived all over Europe, but now I live in a little village in sleepy Devon, tucked away in south west England. I love the place. That’s why you’ll find leafy lanes and thatched cottages in many of my books. Oh, yes, and a black Labrador.

I've been writing since I was 14 and that is well over half a century ago. However, underneath this bald, wrinkly exterior, there beats the heart of a youngster. My wife is convinced I will never grow up. I hope she's right.

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cosy mystery set in Italy